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Calling homosexuality a sinful choice is textbook bigotry

When Mary Elizabeth Williams wrote that the “Michigan anti-equality campaign is the last gasp of desperate bigotry” I felt reassured.

On my view, if a church chooses to see homosexual behaviour as a sin, that church is anti-gay.

And, on my view, being anti-gay is bigotry.

Similarly, if a church chooses to see trans people as sinning against God’s plan, that church is anti-trans.

And by the same reasoning, being anti-trans is bigotry.

5 thoughts on “Calling homosexuality a sinful choice is textbook bigotry

  1. Christians will always be hated and persecuted for speaking the truth. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. I am will to pay the price to speak the truth about God’s perfect plan for family and relationships and no one will bully me into silence by calling me a bigot.

    It is funny to call someone hateful becuase they believe in what has been common knowledge since the beginning of time.

    Maybe you are bigoted? Yes, yes, I think you are.

    Even though we both may be equally, passionately bigoted, I love you and forgive you. I hope you love and forgive me as well.

    1. Hi Marguerite, are you a member of the Alliance Church? Or some other Christian denomination? As you may know, many Christians do not believe that gay behaviour is sinful.

  2. Christians will always be hated and persecuted for speaking the truth. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. I am will to pay the price to speak about their convictions of truth about God’s perfect plan for family and relationships and no one will bully me into silence by calling me a bigot.

    It is funny to call someone hateful becuase they believe in what has been common knowledge since the beginning of time.

    Maybe you are bigoted? Yes, yes, I think you are.

    Even though we both may be equally, passionately bigoted, I love you and forgive you. I hope you love and forgive me as well.

    1. Wut. These Christian denominations that hate gays are a shrinking minority, but it’s so jarring to see them put their names and faces to this bigotry.

  3. Its not about hating on gays. The bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory God. Jesus loves all sinners and that includes everybody. However, God’s best if for us is based on ideals and if we have the right relationship with Jesus he will do the work in changing our hearts, not the other way around.

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