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Conversion Therapy Is Harmful and Wrong—So Why Is It Still Legal in Canada? | FLARE

Two people lie in bed looking at each other deeply.

Since the ’80s and ’90s, conversion therapy has been condemned by most psychiatrists and psychologists, and the Canadian Psychological Association formally opposed its techniques in a statement released in 2015—due not only to the lack of scientific research supporting its efficacy, but more importantly because of the documented mental health consequences, including anxiety, distress, depression, difficulty sustaining relationships and sexual dysfunction.

Gajdics eventually stopped therapy in 1995, but it left him with a number of severe mental health issues. “On top of the slow process of recovering from the addiction to the debilitating medication, I had insomnia, panic attacks and a fear of the doctor stalking me, because it was a small town and I lived close to where his office was,” he says. To heal from the six-year ordeal, Gajdics began writing as a way of making sense of what he had experienced. “I had to get over the shame not only from the childhood sexual abuse, but also from the lie that it made me gay.”

Why has conversion therapy not been outlawed at the federal level?

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Vancouver becomes first Canadian city to ban anti-LGBT conversion therapy | GEORGIA STRAIGHT

Vancouver author Peter Gajdics detailed his experiences of conversion therapy in Vancouver in his memoir The Inheritance of Shame.

Vancouver has become the first Canadian city to ban the controversial, discredited, and anti-queer practice of conversion therapy.

Today (June 6), city council voted unanimously for a prohibition bylaw that will prevent businesses from offering conversion therapy, or the pseudoscientific attempt to change the sexual orientation of a person from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual. (Conversion therapy is also known as reparation therapy or the ex-gay movement.)

Conversion “therapy” is not therapy.

“Local author Peter Gadjics talked about his experience of six years in conversion therapy in Vancouver in the 1990s which he detailed in his 2017 memoir, The Inheritance of Shame.” – Vancouver becomes first Canadian city to ban anti-LGBT conversion therapy